Friday, April 25, 2008

Update from Monty

Passing on a brief message from Monty... He and Val are about to make their second 5-day rotation up to Camp 2. They are in good health and climbing strong. Monty described the Khumbu Icefall as being "tough". He also said IMG has put together a great team of clients, guides and Sherpas and everything else is going good.


Anonymous said...

Monty: I tried to call you from Bhutan a couple times. Bhutan very interested in BMA. Climb safely.


Anonymous said...

Monty: Climb well, handsome. Sending you warm thoughts from sunny (at least today) Portland.

Keith Westrum

Unknown said...

Namasté Monty, Pasang Rinji & Val, Stay strong and safe. You're in our thoughts each day. Lisa, Jack & Lance