Look for a post about the summit climb itself in a few days from Kathmandu! For now, check out these two pictures: one pic looking toward the summit from the Col (you can see the South Summit), and the other pic of me on the summit.
Namaste, Val
Look for a post about the summit climb itself in a few days from Kathmandu! For now, check out these two pictures: one pic looking toward the summit from the Col (you can see the South Summit), and the other pic of me on the summit.
Namaste, Val
46 years old; married to a very patient lady, and two daughters, 17 and 20. Pastimes include whitewater kayaking, windsurfing, canyoneering, marathons and ultramarathons (two 100-milers), mountain and road biking, backpacking, historic renovation and environmental protection. Home:
Congrats Val! Hope you had fun! Good thoughts - RalphE
Great job Val, I have known for years that you would one day make it!
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